UX / CX / UI / Product designer


Touristic APP

What was my design specifications ?

The client wanted an app where I can booked hotel and show places for a touristic target audience. On the model of booking.com , the app is using google api to get to the booking. The wanted to build an app per city. The app is available on the appstore – Civitatis Dublin

I used Sketch (+ Invision for prototyping and Zeplin plugins for Integration) , Principle (motion prototyping) , Balsamiq ( for wireframing) and others Adobe creative cloud product. The system was quite complex (see workflow) so we has still to show lot of information.

The app took 6 months to be developp with many wireframes reviews 

 Finally send to the dev team ?

Using sketch and Zeplin to export and make the final version

BtoB Case study: Forms paper to web At the European Council

Impact Assement form for the European Council (GSC):
Meanly the project was to pass an responsive web version  from paper form version using techno like HTML, Bootstraps and Sass form version.

After a focus group case study we I suggest to integrated  a milestones .

I made some additional test with the stakeholders had tested the milestones it appeared that it wasn’t some extra fancy widget useless.

The milestones really help users to fulfill faster using less mental energy. It also helps to locate more easily in the form and make various autocorrect more efficient.

See below the functional prototype , I develop as frontend for European Council